Cool Raoul, Take it easy Billy et Relax Max, 3 paires de bancs, métal peint, dimensions variables, production La KunstHalle de Mulhouse, 2016
Instruments de musique (bleu, rouge, vert et rose), Rotating Paintings, acrylique sur toiles et cadres en bois peint, 118 x 91 cm et 100 x 81 cm, 2016
HONEY MONEY, dessin mural, mine de plomb, 6 x 2,5 mètres, 2016
Elvire Bonduelle invites us to "Take it easy, Billy" where we are no longer brought into one of the artist's infamous "waiting rooms", but are rather invited to relax and take one's time contemplating upon the very catch phrases employed within this exhibition at onestar press; to re-learn in fact how to slow down the speed of life. Rather than killing time, we are now given the chance to regain it. Employed with such phrases as "Money Honey" (wall drawing), and a selection of black metal benches aptly entitled "Relax Max", "Cool Raoul" and "Take it easy, Billy" (upon which we are invited to take a respite) the artist's installation is lastly punctuated with a new series of never before exhibited series of whimsically drawn "Instrumental Paintings" of which there are 4 to gently remind us of those lessons we have so hurriedly forgotten to take. -